Yoga is something which I’ve very recently started practising on a more regular basis and I really love it.
Pre- pandemic, I dabbled in Yoga. The odd half day course here and drop in class there, but if I’m really honest I didn’t think it was as beneficial to me as say a spin class or a bit of time in the gym. Oh how wrong was I. I’ve always worked full time and been really busy (who isn’t!) so my down time was precious and I’m never one to turn down an invite to go out… anywhere really. I’m something of a social butterfly, or was, when we could be!
Anyway, back to Yoga. The benefits I personally get from it are amazing. The breathing, the mindfulness and the “me time” has become something I really love and I don’t see me giving it up any time soon. The strength, flexibility and overall fitness element is an added bonus. Don’t get me wrong, cardio and strength training are still important and still something which I do regularly (Cheers, Joe Wickes!) but I now make sure Yoga is something I incorporate into my weekly routine.
I’ve been practising consistently for near enough 3 months now and it’s with the brilliant Helen Ince, who teaches (from her gorgeous apartment in Spain – I’m jealous!) several times a week and at convenient UK times. You’ll find me at the 06:00 Ashtanga class on a Wednesday morning. (yes, 06:00 IN THE MORNING!) it’s by far my favourite class and I even crawl out of bed on my day’s off for this beauty! Helen’s guidance and help is second to none, she also has the patience of a saint. You definitely don’t feel like you’re on a Zoom call.
Most of Helen’s classes are recorded (except the weekend ones) which is just ace for when you can’t make a live class.
You can choose to pop in and pay as you go for the classes, pay for a bundle or an unlimited pass (I go for the unlimited pass which lets me jump in and out which works around my job). Helen also does a free community class at the end of each month and it’s very much about relaxation and taking some time for you. They’re great.
I’ve popped the link to the zoom below and it’d lovely if you fancied jumping on and joining in. Don’t worry, absolute beginners (like me!) can join in and follow along without feeling like a wolly (if anything, you’ll learn to laugh at yourself when you work out how terrible your balance is – and a good laugh is great for the soul!) It’s also a lovely excuse to just chill out and switch off.
If you want more information drop Helen an email – and go give her a follow on Insta @heleninceyoga
Free community class: Sunday 28th March, 10:00 a.m – 11.15 a.m. (GMT)
Meeting ID: 817 0622 6157
Passcode: 091360
Ash xoxo